Jubilees Palimpsest

The Jubilees Palimpsest Project

June 6-8, 2018, University of Rochester
and Rochester Institute of Technology

Spectral RTI training and demonstration at the Rochester Cultural Heritage Imaging, Visualization, and Education (R-CHIVE) Conference

Pre-conference in-depth training

Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 2:00-5:00 pm, Lazarus Lab in the University of Rochester Library

The primary focus will be on the SpectralRTI_Toolkit processing software, using data already captured (CCR, Jubilees). Participants are invited to bring their own laptops to process their own or provided data. As needed, we will also review the principles of Spectral RTI and its benefits, including options for capture and publication.

Demonstration session during the R-CHIVE conference

Friday, June 8, 2018, 10:15-11:15, Video Room in Rettner Hall, University of Rochester

A demonstration of Spectral RTI, particularly capture using a swinging arc. Additional topics include options for alternative capture (hand-held flash, raking without full RTI), processing (Accurate Color, Extended Spectrum, and PCA Pseudocolor), and publishing (WebRTI and Mirador).

Conference details and registration

R-CHIVE Conference site (https://r-chive.com/2018-2/)


NEH Logo

Made possible through the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

For more information contact Todd Hanneken, [email protected]


Spectral RTI


Spectral RTI Guide (http://jubilees.stmarytx.edu/spectralrtiguide/)

SpectralRTI_Toolkit for Fiji (ImageJ)

Java Plugin (https://github.com/CenterForDigitalHumanities/SpectralRTI_Toolkit/)

Macro (https://github.com/thanneken/SpectralRTI_Toolkit)

Further reading

Pre-publisher copy of “Spectral RTI.” In Brill Textual History of the Bible Volume 3. Leiden: Brill (2017). (http://jubilees.stmarytx.edu/Hanneken(2017)SpectralRTI(BrillTHB3).html)

Pre-publisher copy of “New Technology for Imaging Unreadable Manuscripts and Other Artifacts: Integrated Spectral Reflectance Transformation Imaging (Spectral RTI).” In Ancient Worlds in a Digital Culture. Edited by Claire Clivaz, Paul Dilley, and David Hamidović. Digital Biblical Studies 1. Leiden: Brill (2016), 180–195. (http://jubilees.stmarytx.edu/Hanneken(2016)NewTechnologyImaging.html)

Videos (voice over slides)

“The Jubilees Palimpsest Project.” Presented to the Society of Biblical Literature, November 2017. (https://youtu.be/e3N3X46fDYo)

“The Future of Biblical Scholarship in a Digital Age.” Presented to the Catholic Biblical Association, August 2016. (https://youtu.be/xb64mjymMuw)

“Integrating Spectral and Reflectance Transformation Imaging.” Presented to the Society of Biblical Literature, November 2014. (https://youtu.be/G-1eWueAOzE)


Project website and image repository

Home (http://jubilees.stmarytx.edu/)

Mirador (http://jubilees.stmarytx.edu/mirador/)

Data archive

Raw data for specialists (http://palimpsest.stmarytx.edu/AmbrosianaArchive/)

Staging server

Instant updates, not delayed by CloudFront cache (http://thanneken.no-ip.org/)

MegaVision Arc
The MegaVision cultural heritage imaging system with swinging arc illuminator for rapid RTI and raking captures
2011 Ac_00 Ac_55 KTK01_55
The Testament of Moses palimpsest (Ambrosiana C73inf, CC BY-NC-SA) in conventional digitization (2011), spectral accurate color (2017), spectral accurate color with raking (2017), and spectral enhanced color with raking (KTK 2017). Note that conventional digitization fails to provide color accuracy and texture information, let alone enhancements.
USC Terracotta Figurine (CC BY-SA), probably commemorating Hadrian’s victory over the Sicarii on the occasion of his visit to Egypt. Tap the light bulb to turn on interactive relighting. Extended Spectrum color enhancement squeezes IR reflectance into the red range and UV reflectance into the blue range. Full screen
UCLA Rouse Ms. 32 (CC BY-SA), an erased but not rewritten palimpsest. Tap the light bulb to turn on interactive relighting. PCA Pseudocolor color enhancement increases visibility of slight traces of ink. Full screen