Date: Wednesday–Thursday, 12–13 June 2019
Time: 10:00–17:00
Location: British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB
Registration: Eventbrite
and see announcement below
Date: Monday–Tuesday, 17–18 June 2019
Time: 10:00–17:00
Location: UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, University College London, London WC1E 6BT
Registration: Eventbrite
and see announcement below
Date: Wednesday–Thursday, June 26–27, 2019
Time: 10.00 to 16.30
Location: Lergravsvej 55
Registration: RSVP by June 21 to Mogens Bech, [email protected] or 91324624
Date: Thursday–Friday, 4–5 July 2019
Time: 10:00–17:00
Location: Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung (ZIM), Graz University, Elisabethstraße 59
III, 8010 Graz
Participation by invitation from or request to Hans Clausen (see invitation below)
Additional Spectral RTI training workshops may be scheduled for imaging teams involved in spectral imaging and interested in adding raking or RTI texture imaging. While funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities last, we can come to you. Contact project director Todd Hanneken, [email protected].
Results from the training workshop at the University of Texas, Austin January 2019 (LINK)
Related conference papers, summer 2019
Led by Dr Todd Hanneken (Jubilees Palimpsest Project, St. Mary’s University) and Ken Boydston (president of MegaVision)
Spectral RTI is emerging as an important tool for Digital Humanities and has become an essential tool for scholars working on ancient manuscripts, particularly for those working on recovering illegible texts and deciphering palimpsests. During this two-day workshop, participants will be introduced to the basic techniques, methods, and best practices for Spectral RTI, and will have the opportunity to produce images using Spectral RTI. The workshop will be led by Todd Hanneken and Ken Boydston, leaders in the practice of Spectral RTI. All necessary imaging equipment for the workshop will be provided.
As space in each workshop is limited to 20 participants, applicants must agree to participate fully in both days of the workshop. Applicants are asked to submit an explanation of their interest in the workshop, specify which iteration they wish to attend (British Library or UCL), and to describe any objects to which they have access and of which they are interested in producing images during the course of the workshop. To apply to participate in the workshop, please submit your application via Eventbrite by the deadline of 10 June 2019.
These workshops are co-sponsored by the British Library and the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, and supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
For more information or questions, please contact Dr Christina Duffy ([email protected], British Library) or Dr Kathryn E. Piquette ([email protected], UCL Centre for Digital Humanities). To register please use Eventbrite.
Wednesday and Thursday, June 26-27 from 10 to 16.30, Lergravsvej 55
The Digital Fingerprint
Spectral RTI is emerging as an important tool for Digital Humanities and has become an essential tool for scholars working on scripts, particularly for those working on recovering illegal texts and deciphering palimpsests. During this workshop, participants will be introduced to the basic techniques, methods, and best practices for Spectral RTI, and will have the opportunity to produce images using Spectral RTI. The workshop will be led by Todd Hanneken and Ken Boydston. All necessary imaging equipment for the workshop will be provided. As space in each workshop is limited to 15 participants of the workshop. Participants are asked to bring objects with them to which they have access and of which they are interested in producing images during the course of the workshop.
RSVP by June 21 to Mogens Bech, [email protected] or 91324624.
Centre for Information-Modelling, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, University of Graz
Led by Dr Todd Hanneken (Jubilees Palimpsest Project, St. Mary’s University) and Ken Boydston (president of MegaVision)
Spectral RTI is emerging as an important tool for Digital Humanities and has become an essential tool for scholars working on manuscripts, particularly for those working on recovering illegible texts and deciphering palimpsests. During this two-day workshop, participants will be introduced to the basic techniques, methods, and best practices for Spectral RTI, and will have the opportunity to produce images using Spectral RTI. The workshop will be led by Todd Hanneken and Ken Boydston. All necessary imaging equipment for the workshop will be provided.
As space in each workshop is limited to 20 participants, applicants must agree to participate fully in both days of the workshop. Participants are asked to bring objects with them to which they have access and of which they are interested in producing images during the course of the workshop.
Please contact Hans Clausen ([email protected]) by 14.06.2019 if you want to participate in the workshop.
Spectral RTI Guide (
SpectralRTI_Toolkit for Fiji (ImageJ)
Java Plugin (
Further reading
Pre-publisher copy of “Spectral RTI.” In Brill Textual History of the Bible Volume 3. Leiden: Brill (2017). (
Pre-publisher copy of “New Technology for Imaging Unreadable Manuscripts and Other Artifacts: Integrated Spectral Reflectance Transformation Imaging (Spectral RTI).” In Ancient Worlds in a Digital Culture. Edited by Claire Clivaz, Paul Dilley, and David Hamidović. Digital Biblical Studies 1. Leiden: Brill (2016), 180–195. (
Videos (voice over slides)
Overview of Mirador for Studying Latin Moses (2018). ("
“The Jubilees Palimpsest Project.” Presented to the Society of Biblical Literature, November 2017. (
“The Future of Biblical Scholarship in a Digital Age.” Presented to the Catholic Biblical Association, August 2016. (
“Integrating Spectral and Reflectance Transformation Imaging.” Presented to the Society of Biblical Literature, November 2014. (
Project website and image repository
Home (
Mirador (
Data archive
Raw data for specialists (